2020年9月16日 星期三

Shenzhen's Three-year Action Plan for Accelerating Supply Chain Innovation and Development (2023-2025) was issued

信息来源:深圳发布 发布时间:2023-09-06

  为加快推进供应链创新与发展,建设具有深圳特色的供应链示范城市,提升供应链核心竞争力,According to the Guiding Opinions of The General Office of the State Council on Actively Promoting the Innovation and Application of Supply Chain (Guo Changfa (2017) No. 84),经深圳市政府同意,深圳市工业和信息化局、深圳市商务局联合印发了Shenzhen's Three-year Action Plan for Accelerating Supply Chain Innovation and Development (2023-2025)(以下简称《365买球软件》)。

  The "Action Plan" insists on building a world-leading and important advanced manufacturing center and a scientific and technological innovation center, consumption center, logistics center and financial center with global influence around Shenzhen,立足深圳产业优势及供应链特点,以数字化、绿色化、平台化、标准化、全球化为引领,Strive to cultivate a number of international supply chain integration platforms that "control resources up and control channels down" in the field of advanced manufacturing and circulation,形成高质量发展的供应链生态,促进产业组织方式、协同能力、商业模式及治理方式的创新,助力经济高质量发展。


Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce on the issuance of "Shenzhen to Accelerate the innovation and development of Supply chain three-year action Plan (2023-2025)" notice


  The Three-year Action Plan for Accelerating Supply Chain Innovation and Development in Shenzhen (2023-2025) has been approved by the Municipal government and is now issued and implemented. Please carefully organize and implement it。

深圳市工业和信息化局 深圳市商务局




  为加快推进供应链创新与发展,建设具有深圳特色的供应链示范城市,提升供应链核心竞争力,According to the Guiding Opinions of The General Office of the State Council on Actively Promoting the Innovation and Application of Supply Chain (Guo Changfa (2017) No. 84),结合本市实际,特制定本行动计划。


  以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻落实党的二十大报告中提出的“加快建设现代化经济体系,着力提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平”,积极融合国际国内双循环新发展格局,To build a world-leading and important advanced manufacturing center and a scientific and technological innovation center, consumption center, logistics center and financial center with global influence around Shenzhen,立足深圳产业优势及供应链特点,以数字化、绿色化、平台化、标准化、全球化为引领,Cultivate a number of international supply chain integration platforms that "control resources up and channels down" in the field of advanced manufacturing and circulation,形成高质量发展的供应链生态,促进产业组织方式、协同能力、商业模式及治理方式的创新,大力提升供应链核心竞争力,全力增强我市产业链供应链先进性、根植性、韧性和安全性,助力经济高质量发展。


  By 2025, the supply chain capability will be significantly enhanced, the application level of supply chain technology will be in the forefront of the country, a number of supply chain innovation benchmarking enterprises will be cultivated, and Shenzhen will become a demonstration highland for supply chain innovation and application。

  ——重点产业供应链能力全球领先。Build a group of leading national and international supply chain core enterprises around the advanced manufacturing industry cluster,形成5个以上千亿级、10个以上百亿级产业垂直供应链协同企业,打造20个以上“深圳智造”自主国际知名品牌,深圳成为先进制造国际供应链资源要素配置中心。

  ——现代供应链服务能力不断提升。Supply chain logistics channels and hub node facilities with internal and external connectivity, smooth flow of things, intensive and efficient, smart and green have been basically built, and the professional service capacity of supply chain has been significantly enhanced。培育2-3个千亿级、15个百亿级工业及消费供应链服务平台,3个以上百亿级跨境电商供应链整合、服务平台,3个以上千亿级大宗商品供应链服务整合、服务平台,供应链服务进出口额占深圳外贸进出口额的比重达到20%以上,供应链技术和装备研发与应用水平居全国前列,深圳成为全球知名的供应链服务外包基地。

  ——供应链创新生态更加完善。Improve the supply chain public service system, and basically establish a cross-departmental coordination and joint interaction of governance;Constantly improve the construction of the supply chain public service system, innovate the supply chain talent cultivation mechanism, strengthen the research on supply chain related standards, strive to improve the supply chain risk prevention ability, and continue to optimize the supply chain innovation and application environment。



  1.培育一批具有集聚能力的供应链核心企业。Sorting out the supply chain map of strategic emerging industrial clusters such as electronic information, new energy vehicles, and high-end equipment,重点培育处于产业链供应链核心地位,对优化资源配置、推动技术创新、构建产业生态有重大影响力的企业,促进产业链供应链配套企业集聚深圳,打造具有国际竞争力的供应链生态体系。Support the core enterprises of the supply chain to establish an alternative list of key links of the supply chain, build a stable symbiotic association of the supply chain, and improve the resilience and security of the supply chain。(市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、科技创新委按职责分工负责)

  2.打造一批具有供应链布局协同能力的工业品牌。Vigorously implement the "increase variety, improve quality, create brand" action in the manufacturing industry, and strive to cultivate a number of high-end brands in the value chain in the fields of intelligent terminals, new energy vehicles, high-end equipment, network communications, modern fashion and other fields, further optimize the supply chain layout through brand influence and appeal, and consolidate the advantages of supply chain agglomeration。Vigorously implement the "Global promotion plan for industrial intermediate products and product brands", promote the high-end layout and international coordination of the city's manufacturing industry supply chain through the output capacity of brand value, and continuously enhance the value creation and autonomous controllable ability of the supply chain through the brand。(The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Bureau of Commerce, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Market Supervision Bureau shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  3.大力发展服务型制造。Support leading manufacturing enterprises in our city to expand professional services such as collaborative research and development, crowdsourcing design, system consulting, and comprehensive solutions upstream of the supply chain,Extend service activities such as remote diagnosis, maintenance and overhaul, technical training, lifecycle management, and information value-added to the downstream of the supply chain,推动“生产型制造”向“服务型制造”转变,加快培育服务型制造示范企业,实现供应链价值增值。Relying on Shenzhen's competitive advantages in port, technology, logistics, finance and other aspects, we support leading industrial manufacturing enterprises to integrate core supply chain resources and carry out research and development, collection, distribution, settlement, finance and other businesses。(市工业和信息化局、商务局按职责分工负责)


  4.做大做强供应链服务企业。研究出台支持供应链企业发展的专项政策,推进招大引强,Professional supply chain service enterprises at home and abroad are encouraged to build global or regional procurement centers, production organization centers, distribution centers, logistics centers and settlement centers in Shenzhen,增强创新能力和资源配置能力,带动供应链上下游企业共同拓展国际国内市场,扩大全球化布局,发挥对全球供应链资源的集聚效应。(Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, district government, New District Management Committee, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  5.推动供应链服务跨界融合。To promote the deep connection and cooperation between Shenzhen supply chain services and global manufacturing, commerce and trade industries, vigorously develop producer services based on supply chain, expand research and development design, virtual production, quality management, traceability services and other functions, and provide integrated services such as procurement execution, distribution execution, logistics services, financing services, customs clearance and so on。(市商务局、交通运输局、工业和信息化局按职责分工负责)


  6.推动供应链国际资源合作。梳理全球供应链的关键资源和产业优势,重点聚焦东南亚的工业加工、组装能力及农产品,欧美中高端工业中间品、新科技和消费品,中东及非洲的矿产、能源资源,Latin America's livestock, agricultural products and emerging industrial processing, assembly and other advantageous supply chain resources,支持供应链企业在境外设立采购中心或通过投资并购境外企业等方式,获取参与全球供应链所必须的要素市场资源、多元化供应商和渠道体系,增强供应链的自主可控。(市商务局、交通运输局、工业和信息化局按职责分工负责)

  7.增强供应链服务出海能力。顺应产业转移周期规律及全球供应链重组的大趋势,紧抓“企业出海”“供应链出海”的重要机遇,Support supply chain service enterprises to follow multinational enterprises, industrial intermediates, brand companies to set up overseas distribution bases,We provide cross-border integrated solutions such as marketing, brand promotion, channel distribution, e-commerce, live streaming, logistics, after-sales and financing for specialized and special new enterprises and products。Support the government, industry associations and supply chain service enterprises to build an overseas supply chain service platform, help Shenzhen smart manufacturing, made in China, and Chinese goods to go global, and deeply integrate into the international cycle。(市商务局、工业和信息化局、交通运输局按职责分工负责)

  8.完善消费供应链体系。顺应消费升级及供给提质的需要,支持优势企业与国内外贸易商、国际品牌商开展深度合作,Cultivate a number of consumer goods exhibition and trade platforms, import trading platforms and supply chain service platforms in mass consumer goods such as food, luxury goods, medicines, alcohol, beauty, clothing, and maternal and infant products,To build Shenzhen into a "world supermarket" of consumer goods linking the Pearl River Delta, serving the whole country and radiating the world。(市商务局、市场监管局按职责分工负责)

  9.构筑跨境电商供应链体系。Relying on the policy advantages of Shenzhen cross-border e-commerce sellers gathering, cross-border logistics developed and free trade pilot zone, cultivate a group of cross-border e-commerce supply chain integration and service platforms with integrated functions such as design, research and development, brand operation, digital marketing, collection and marketing, and overseas warehouse services。Expand and strengthen the supply chain ecology such as online celebrity live streaming, e-commerce selection, business incubation, cross-border payment, and talent training;Encourage enterprises and industry organizations to actively carry out standardization construction of cross-border e-commerce products, data, processes and services,保障深圳跨境电商交付和履约能力,提升我市跨境电商产业生态的综合竞争力。(市商务局、市场监管局按职责分工负责)

  10.建设大宗商品供应链体系。面向大宗商品广阔的市场空间,补齐深圳供应链发展的短板,探索培育一批聚焦在能源化工、金属矿产、农副产品等国计民生领域,A commodity supply chain integration and service platform with integrated functions such as centralized procurement, technical service, manufacturing and processing, brand operation and e-commerce,高效链接生产与消费,促进供需匹配。(市商务局、发展改革委、国资委按职责分工负责)

  11.打造汽车全球供应链协同体系。抢抓新能源汽车出海的历史机遇,加快构建面向全球的汽车产运贸生态体系,Support logistics and supply chain service enterprises to provide automobile production and trading enterprises with integrated cross-border supply chain services such as going overseas, brand, channel and logistics,助力国产汽车产业链与供应链物流服务的深度融合。Support the integration of local automotive manufacturers, traders, finance, insurance, logistics, industry associations and other related resources,搭建汽车出口供应链公共服务平台,Provide multi-dimensional integrated services such as channel development, supply and demand docking, trade agency, market consultation, shipping guarantee, after-sales recovery, and fund services,打造全国汽车出口新型基础设施,助力中国车企 “走出去”“卖全球”。(市工业和信息化局、商务局、交通运输局按职责分工负责)

  12.推动特殊监管区域创新发展。不断创新前海、盐田和坪山综保区及福田保税区的监管制度,充分发挥其扩外贸、引外资、促发展的功能平台作用,Special customs supervision areas are encouraged to strengthen the development of new forms of business such as logistics distribution, bonded research and development, testing and maintenance, bonded manufacturing, bonded financial leasing, and bonded display trading in accordance with their regional development positioning and industrial needs,推动特殊监管区域深度融入全球供应链分工,增强对全球高端供应链资源的吸附能力。(Futian District Government, Yantian District Government, Pingshan District Government, Qianhai Administration Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Shenzhen Tax Bureau and Shenzhen Customs shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


  13.优化布局产业园区供应链配套设施。In the manufacturing industrial park or around the industrial cluster, the layout of VMI warehouse (Vendor) is planned Managed Inventory (Supplier managed Inventory) and logistics service warehouse based on the function of "factory workshop" provide supply chain services for manufacturing enterprises and seamlessly connect with production workshops。For traditional business enterprises, new retail enterprises layout "pre-business inventory area", to provide business supply chain services。(The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  14.完善现代物流基础设施建设。Accelerate the establishment of a three-level logistics node network system of "external logistics hub + urban logistics transfer center + community logistics distribution station",We will promote the planning and construction of national logistics hubs based on trade and trade services, production services, airports and ports,Form a modern logistics infrastructure system with reasonable layout, sound functions, intensive and efficient, green and intelligent。Study and determine the scale of warehousing and logistics land, formulate the selection criteria for warehousing and logistics land suitable for the supply chain industry, and ensure the demand for warehousing and logistics space。Fully consider the development trend of modern logistics mechanization and automation, modify the current warehouse design standards, and improve the construction of Class C warehouse with bonded function;Activate the stock logistics facilities, promote the upgrading of traditional warehouses to high-standard warehouses and smart warehouses, and constantly meet the demand for smart supply chain services。(Municipal Transportation Bureau, Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, Bureau of Commerce, Development and Reform Commission, district government, New District Management Committee, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  15.加强对外物流网络布局。To build China Unicom's international and domestic dual circulation external logistics hub, encourage leading logistics supply chain enterprises to build or operate logistics warehousing facilities, extend logistics infrastructure to cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and gradually form a distribution of logistics facilities featuring division of Labour and efficient collaboration。Build a cross-border logistics network with wide coverage and strong control, and build a global supply chain logistics support system。We will coordinate the development of sea and air freight, China-Europe freight trains, and overseas warehouses, and promote the globalization of international logistics channels and networks。(The Municipal Bureau of Transport, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


  16.加大对供应链融资的支持力度。研究建立供应链企业融资白名单机制,定期收集企业有效融资诉求。创新供应链金融业务模式,鼓励金融机构、供应链核心企业、公共服务机构等开展联合创新,通过搭建供应链金融服务平台、产融公共服务基础设施等,基于订单、交易、物流、支付等数据要素,研究开发适用供应链业务场景下不同类型的信贷产品,为产业上下游企业提供高效率、低成本的资金支持。鼓励社会资本积极参与设立供应链专项基金。Credit risk sharing mechanisms such as the government financing guarantee fund and the loan risk compensation mechanism for small, medium and micro enterprises will be used to support financial institutions to increase credit supply to the upstream and downstream of the supply chain。(Shenzhen Branch of the People's Bank of China, Shenzhen Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Regulatory Administration, local financial supervision Bureau, Finance Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Transport Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  17.强化供应链信用体系建设。Encourage relevant departments, credit bureaus, and rating agencies to strengthen the disclosure and sharing of information on credit ratings, credit records, risk early warning, illegal and dishonest behaviors, and promote multi-level and cross-departmental information collection and sharing and joint supervision by governments, institutions, and associations。Relying on local credit investigation platform, fully integrate all kinds of data urgently needed by banks, and provide effective credit investigation service support to banks;Promote core enterprises to provide accounts receivable confirmation rights, trade orders and other support for upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain to achieve credit empowerment。(Shenzhen Branch of the People's Bank of China, local financial supervision Bureau, market supervision Bureau, and Shenzhen Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


  18.提升供应链管理数字化水平。Support manufacturing enterprises to use the new generation of digital technology to build a digital supply chain management platform integrating product design, material procurement, demand forecasting, automatic production scheduling, intelligent replenishment, dynamic inventory management and other functions, so as to achieve flexible and agile supply chain, intelligent logistics and management decision data。(市工业和信息化局负责)

  19.支持供应链服务数字化升级。制定供应链服务行业数字化升级资金配套政策,Enterprises are encouraged to use information technology and smart equipment such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and unmanned systems,搭建供应链数字化管理平台、各类SaaS平台,实现订单、运输、仓库、客户关系、财务等环节的高效运营管理。(市商务局、交通运输局按职责分工负责)

  20.加快智慧物流技术与装备研发应用。Accelerate the research and development of smart logistics technology and equipment, and improve the green and intelligent level of logistics equipment。Accelerate the promotion of modern logistics equipment, and promote the application of intelligent storage systems such as intelligent storage robot picking and handling systems, intelligent three-dimensional warehouses, and automatic conveying systems。(市工业和信息化局、交通运输局按职责分工负责)


  21.积极打造绿色供应链。引导支持工业企业、商贸流通企业开展绿色供应链应用,加强绿色技术和设备的研发与应用,In accordance with the "Green Supply chain Enterprise Evaluation" (DB4403/T10-2019) local standards to implement the green transformation of manufacturing, transportation, loading and unloading, warehousing and other links,大力发展资源消耗低、环境污染少的现代供应链体系。(The Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Bureau of Transportation, the Bureau of Ecological Environment, and the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  22.加强供应链人才引培。Vigorously introduce high-level professionals in the supply chain, formulate relevant talent policies, and support the enjoyment of entry-exit facilitation policies。Guide colleges and vocational schools to set up supply chain related majors, build a talent cultivation mechanism jointly built by the "government, school and enterprise association", and build a high-level supply chain talent training base。Support industry associations, alliances, human resource service enterprises and other relevant institutions to carry out supply chain personnel training, practice exchanges, business visits and other activities to cultivate high-level supply chain talents。(Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Transportation Bureau, Human Resources Security Bureau, Education Bureau and Public Security Bureau shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  23.支持设立海外供应链服务机构。We encourage competent industry organizations and enterprises to set up supply chain service agencies overseas, and provide localized public services such as customs, taxation, law, training and promotion for supply chain enterprises to go overseas, and provide financial support。充分发挥社会力量,对冲供应链风险,提升供应链韧性和安全水平。(市商务局、交通运输局、工业和信息化局按职责分工负责)

  24.加强供应链标准研制与推广。Support industry associations, enterprises, research institutions to participate in the formulation of supply chain group standards, local standards, industry standards and national standards, and actively carry out standard publicity。Support supply chain enterprises to actively participate in the formulation of international rules, and strive to formulate international standards for supply chains in advantageous areas such as communications, intelligent terminals, and intelligent robots, so as to enhance the discourse power of supply chains。Encourage supply chain enterprises, social organizations and other institutions to explore the development of supply chain high-level talent classification standards。(The Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the Commerce Bureau, the Transportation Bureau, the Industry and Information Bureau shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

  25.加强供应链风险预警和应急响应能力。Build a multi-channel data collection mechanism based on customs, taxation, market supervision, enterprises and other channels to continuously track, monitor and study the dynamics of the industrial supply chain。We will comprehensively review the list of weak links, core suppliers, potential risk points and key products in the supply chain of key industries, and establish an early warning and emergency response mechanism for supply chain risks。Accelerate the breakthrough of a number of key areas of core technologies and "neck" technology, and enhance the control of the industrial supply chain。We encourage capable enterprises to deeply integrate the global supply chain network through high-quality overseas mergers and acquisitions, direct investment, etc., to obtain high-quality global market, technology, talent and management resources, and improve the security level of industrial supply chains。(Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Transportation, Bureau of Market Supervision, Shenzhen Customs and Shenzhen Taxation Bureau shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)



  Establish a cross-departmental coordination mechanism for supply chain development, coordinate the strategic planning of the city's supply chain development, coordinate and solve major problems in the work, and the competent departments of various industries and districts are responsible for formulating specific goals, tasks and work lists, and detailing work measures。(The competent departments of various industries, the district governments, the new district management Committee and the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


  According to this action plan, all functional departments and districts will study and introduce policies and measures to support supply chain innovation and application, increase support for supply chain enterprises in terms of land, talent, capital, technology, etc., and the municipal and district financial departments will ensure financial security。Strengthen the cultivation of supply chain service enterprises in the identification of high-tech enterprises and technologically advanced enterprises, and customs AEO enterprise certification, and support enterprises to enjoy relevant policy preferences。(Municipal Finance Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Transportation Bureau, Human Resources Security Bureau, Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, local financial Supervision Bureau, Oral Office, Shenzhen Customs, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, district governments, New District Administrative Committee, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Administrative Committee shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


  Give full play to the role of social organizations in the supply chain industry, support the development of public services such as industry research, industry data statistics and monitoring, standard formulation and revision, enterprise evaluation, exhibition forums, personnel training, supply and demand docking, strengthen international exchanges, promote the supply chain domestic and foreign resources docking cooperation, and improve the supply chain innovation service system。(市商务局、交通运输局、工业和信息化局按职责分工负责)







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